Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mote med mening (Fashion with a purpose)

The opening of the show

I've just returned home from attending the Mote med mening runway show. This year was the fourth time the hair dresser Olimb & co arranged this fashion show. Like the previous years the proceeds will go to support a worthy cause. The recipient for 2010 is Kreftforeningen (the Cancer Association) and the funds are earmarked for breast cancer research. Needless to say, I had no qualms whatsoever about forking out the NOK495 (USD85) for the ticket. Combining a cause I strongly support with one of my great interests - it can't get much better than that.

Unfortunately, the evening started out on a rather unprofessional note. The doors were supposed to open at 8 PM. My friend Brita and I had gone out for a drink before the show, and when we arrived at a few minutes past 8, the doors had not yet been opened and a huge crowd of people were lined up in the freezing cold outside. I had made plans for Brita to photograph me in today's outfit, however I could not bear to leave my coat in the wardrobe. As it took such a long time for the crew to get the doors open, I was frozen stiff and had to keep it on inside. So did a lot of other people there. Obviously, many of us had dressed up for the show in spring's fashion, and a large number of women even wore peeptoe shoes and strappy sandals in the snow. At least I had dropped the idea of wearing my leopard wedges and opted for boots. I couldn't help feeling sorry for the poor souls who had gone for open toe footwear or even without coats. Even if it's still early February and full winter, I guess many of us had expected the doors to be open by 8, so that we would be walking straight in from our cars or taxis. Strange that the organizers didn't take that into account.

Once inside, there was free seating except for the front rows on either side of the runway which were reserved for celebs and friends of the organisers. We got seats in row number two. That gave us a fairly good view but the row of people in front of us made it difficult to get easy access to photographing the models on the runway. The end of the runway was closed to anyone but professional press photographers and TV crews.

Hey, I think my bronzer froze and fell off on the way in!

The show started with an introduction from the evening's host, singer Mariann Thomassen from the band Surferosa. She was dressed as always in her own eclectic style:

Mariann Thomassen

The fierce Acne Atacoma boots she was wearing, was also used in a different version by one of the artists performing:

Little doubt which wedges are most fashionable this spring - these are hot!

After the introduction, the show went on to present several spring trends. We saw animal prints, florals, double denim, nude chiffon dresses en masse and a style called boudoir which is obviously somewhat inspired by bondage.
I want that sack of python right now!

Florals will be huge this spring

Inspired by Marquis de Sade?

Lingerie as outerwear

Studs and metallic accents are still hot

As one of the sponsors, Wella showed different hairstyles:


...and colorful

All the models in Wella's part of the show

The organizer, Olimb & co, also showed hairstyles - and for them it was all about big, no - huge would be the correct word - hair. They had also made all the models' costumes all on their own:

Stiff hair and floating chiffon

Predictions for sales of hair spray are up

Everyone attending got a goodie bag. In those, among other things, were vitamins for improved skin, a bottle of mineral water, a fashion magazine, a bronzer and lipgloss inside a small makeup bag, moisture treatment for hair and a purse size hair brush. Pretty useful stuff, really. Another interesting thing we got upon leaving, was the information brochures about Bransjedagene 2010 February 6-7 (Hair and beauty industry days) and  Oslo Fashion Week February 16-20. I'm not sure I'll make it to the first one, but the latter one is certainly on my agenda.


  1. Hei Igjenn!
    Det første jeg tenkte da jeg våknet opp i dag var at jeg måtte sjekke bloggen din for å se om du hadde skrevet noe om mote med mening, Og det hadde du :) Morro:) Synd at dere måtte stå ute å fryse da! Dårlig planlegging synes jeg! Var du ellers fornøyd med showet i helhet?, og var det morro på etter festen? Jeg har en vennine som også er tidligere bryst kreft opperert, Gry jonasen. Hun skulle være litt konfransier under eller før showet, så jeg gledere meg til å snakke med henne også! :)
    Takk for innlegget:)
    Ha en strålende helg!

  2. Hei der!

    Takk for tilbakemeldingen!:) Jeg tenkte at jeg måtte være rask med å få ut noen bilder fra showet, synd jeg ikke fikk tatt enda flere. Men siden jeg satt så krøkkete til var det vanskelig å hele tiden reise seg opp og forstyrre de som satt rundt og bak slik at de fikk utsikten ødelagt. Så jeg følte at jeg måtte begrense meg litt.

    Ja, det ble litt kaldt å stå ute, men det var nok mye verre for dem som kom i blondebluser uten jakke og barføtt i åpne sko. Jeg var veldig spent på hva folk hadde kledd seg i. Noen var veldig casual og kom i jeans og boblejakker, andre var stylet opp til tennene, så det var fritt fram i klesveien. Jeg syns det er kult å se på dem som har kledd seg opp.

    Showet var ikke så nyskapende i den forstand at det bare viste trender som vi allerede har sett på catwalken på de store designernes show og på Hollywoodkjendiser på røde løpere (feks hudfargede kjoler osv.) Men det var gøyalt allikevel å se en del av vårens trender på nært hold, og det varte ganske lenge så de viste mye. Jeg regner med at jeg ganske sikkert kommer til å gå på neste års show også, såpass bra var det. Festen droppet vi, da min venninne var kraftig forkjølet og bare stilte opp for at jeg skulle slippe å gå alene siden det ikke passet for noen andre.

    Gry Jonasen var kjempetøff som hadde guts til å stille opp offentlig og snakke om sykdommen sin, syns jeg. Hun holdt et innlegg hvor hun fortalte hva som hadde skjedd henne og hvordan hun hadde taklet det. Kudos til henne som en rørende og verdig representant for brystkreftsaken!

    Ha en finfin helg, du også! :)

  3. Så morro! Er virkelig misunnelig på deg som var der å fikk opplevde det!, men takk til deg for at jeg kan lese om det her iallefall!, og takk for at du tar deg tid til å svare så bra tilbake! :)
